Firearm Transfer Request

Did you find a great price on a firearm at an out of town shop or online? Fantastic! We’ll be more than happy to facilitate your transfer. We charge $25 for the first firearm and $10 for each additional, about the cheapest in the Tampa Bay area!

Simply complete the transfer form to get started…


The company you purchased your firearm from will need a copy of our FFL in order to ship your order (if they don’t already have it on file). They will likely request our contact information so that they can make the request. please provide the following to them:

Obsidian Defense LLC
(813) 489-9935

  1. Driver’s License or other government issued ID (w/ photo and current address). NOTE: If your driver’s license has an old address, please bring another government issued ID with your new address OR a government issued document that has an official letterhead (car registration, fishing license, PCS orders, etc).
  2. Concealed Weapon License (if you have one)


A background check will be performed at the time of pickup. If you know you have issues that will prevent you from passing a background check, please do not initiate a transfer!!!

There will be a $50 shipping & handling fee applied to all returns due to failed background checks, no exceptions!!!


We aren’t a traditional gun shop, we’re ramping up to be more of an engineering & manufacturer company than a retailer. THAT SAID, IT’S ALWAYS BETTER TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT FOR YOUR TRANSFER: